Monday, September 22, 2008

Berry's Back!

This year I may have dissapeared from this little slice of cyber-life. The main reason for this is that I had to do a boring (snooze) blog about open source for my degree for about 6 months and it killed my blogging creativity somewhat. There is also a little something called *cough*facebook*cough* which I might possibly spend a fair bit of time on *ahem*.

But now my tutlings are starting their very own blogs and it inspired me to give my bloggy a make over and come back to the fun side :)


Things I like today:
- sunny summer weather
- exciting holiday plans for December
- my sister

Things I don't like today:
- a runny nose
- my lab being invaded :(


Anonymous said...

You have a lab?
Is it a crazy science lab with arcing electricity devices and reanimated creatures?

Berry said...

hehe... i wish. My lab is a sad, cream painted, pictureless and windowless space (filled with computers and stressed journ students). But I have become pretty fond of it ;)

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