Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hot Air Ballooning Through Life

I wish this post could start of with some magical moment that happened on my way back home after a lecture this morning... something like me spotting a brightly coloured balloon caught on a bush outside the Hamilton Building and as I appraoch it floats up into the air and flies away, and then I have a terribly sentimental and nostalgic reverie about my childhood.
Alas, (well probably more to your relief) no such thing happened this morning, and I can actually start the REALITY aspect of my post with a super funny story that I was telling Fish about the other day which got me thinking about the balloon theme :) For my sis' 21st in Jan (see 'Photies'), she wanted to get a few balloons blown up with helium to put around the place, and so on the morning of her 21st, my mom went to get them done. Someone had told her that she could either go to Spur or to Cardies, and since she was at Eastgate, and saw Spur first, she went in and enquired of an extremely skeptical waiter if he could get someone could blow up the balloons for her. The man looked at her with a mixture of alarm and sympathy as a result of what was apparantly a severe mental disorder on her part and said that he would have to go and speak to his manager about it. My mom thought their lack of enthusiasm was a bit weird, but when the manager appeared with the bewildered waiter a few moments later, she repeated her request. The manager's face adopted pretty much the same expression as the waiter's and then then he asked how many balloons there were. When my mom replied that there were about six, he said, okay, and asked her to hand them over. He turned to the waiter, gave him one, took another for himself, and then said to the poor guy, "Okay, you blow up half the balloons, and I'll blow up the other" and then began puffing with all his might into the balloon. Stuck somewhere halfway between being appalled and laughing hysterically, my mom begged them to stop and eplained that she wanted them to be blown up with HELIUM, not their useless CO2! They all looked a little shamefaced at the confusion, and then informed her that they didn't use helium anymore and she would have to go to Cardies to accomplish her mission. I was amused :D

The fact that I have been thinking about balloons, the fact that I nearly went to a lecture in my purple slippers this morning and the fact that I have started to find Chuck Norris jokes amusing (sorry fans), are all evidence of my brain's DESPERATE need for a holiday! I feel that this is not a bad thing since... (drumroll please) I'M GOING HOME TOMORROW!!!!! :D yaaaaaaay! The not so sparkly part of this is that I have to start/finish a 2000 word Journ essay before I can go overboard :( *sigh* prayers for this (the essay) would be muchly appreciated :)
Yay for having hope and peace in God... no worries in the beeeg picture :D Besides, I can't let journ stress me out, because as I learnt in a psych lecture about nutririon (!?) this morning (the one I almost went to in my slippers), the most stressful thing that you can do is to wake up! hehe... this was very amusing to me and I feel that since I am obliged to wake up every morning, I have already had my daily dose of stress! :)
Talking of daily doses, Vimrod is my new hero... see to understand the wonderfulness! See pic for one of my favorites...

Monday, March 27, 2006


Yesterday was an amazing day. It was D's 21st birthday and so a whole bunch of us went to spend the day with her and her fam in Port Alfred. I've never been blessed so much by someone else's birthday! It was so so so wonderful becuase I got to chill with great people, eat great food (cake!), and do it all in D's name... which is only a smidgeon of what she deserves, but to see how happy D was made my heart happy :D It was just the lovliest confirmation of why i'm totally justified in LOVING birthdays! hehe :) I won't get all sentimental and stuff now, because there were many lovely sentimental moments yesterday, but just to carry the haze of happiness and content that surrounds my heart because of yesterday with me for the rest of the week will be a totally fitting testemony to the amazingness of D's life!
It was great also to spend some road-trip time with the Fish and with Dale... it was scandalous to me to think that I had never road-tripped with them before (!!) and now I have happy Switchfoot/Jack Johnson memories to think of in the fishmobile :)

It is my aunt's wedding on Saterday and I am SOOOOOO excited about it! Everytime I even think about getting to see my family (including extended fam that I haven't seen in ages), my heart wants to pop out of my skin with happiness :D I bought my top for the wedding today (after a minor dilema about whether or not I could wear cream to a wedding... the result being that I figured (with the help of trusty advisors such as my Mom and D) that since the cream top would be accompanied by black pants, and the fact that the bride won't be wearing any shades of white/cream, it would be ok.) and now the fact that I am actually going to be home in four more sleeps is a delicious reality!

Till then though, I have MUCH work to do and many a thing to accomplish... onward Christian solidier! :D

p.s have finally added some of my photies from the vac and from my sis' 21st... check it out in the 'Photies' link.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Powers That Be

So I have just read on Binks' blog about how she has a secret (well not nemore) super-power that she would like. I felt this was a wonderful topic to explore in the world of pink berries... so here goes...
I have always thought the top super-power is flight... i mean, how cool would it be to cut out serious travelling time (this is the Joburg girl in me speaking :p) when you need/want to be somewhere in a flash! Not that i think it should always be used, coz road-trips are a delight that should NEVER be detracted from, but for those spontaneous moments where it would be delicious to be able to dash home for one of my mom's amazing meals or to be able to see a friendly that you haven't seen in sooo long coz they're far away... also... you'd get to spend some quality time with the birds and you'd be able to see how ridiculous our issues are from far away!
ok... that's all for now... clearly it is past my bedtime... i must try and write some deeper posts soon... i think after a sustained period of non-blogging, this part of my mind has partially become blancmange (one of my all time favorite words :D)...should be 'more than fine' though...I live in hope (yes, this is meant to be deliciously ambiguous!) :)

This pic is wonderfully the best of both worlds... flying and road-tripping! hehe.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


My lack of blogging since the begingnng of term has been absolutely scandalous, but for a long time, i just haven't felt like putting my heart and mind out there to the world... even if the world is a small group of people who know me and whom i luv muchly... but i am much better now... God is great and he is totally committed to me... so i am a work in progress... and it's so exciting! :D
What prompted me to post today is that I have had simply the most magical SockSoc day. Let me explain a little about the soc (soc meaning society.. for all you non-Rhodents) dedicated to randomness and spontaneously arb events. Tony and his friend Karen are the founders of this wonderful group and i'm not 100% sure how they would feel about me letting the secret sock out of the drawer (hehe), but I have much trust in you and your discrection ;) (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). this SockSoc-alicious day began at around eleven when Tony and I decided to meet for a 'reading rendezvous' (Tony's passion for alliteration) to try and make headway into the mountain of books etc that we have to read. So that worked till lunch, and then when we re-conveened we only managed to work for about 30 mins and then we started climbing trees and rocks and having fantastically arb disscussions about everything from 'super-hero complexes' to senile grandmothers who can still remeber church hymns.
It was lovely.
And now i feel truly rested and ready for the wonderful week ahead which has a public holiday (yippee! except for all the accompanying make-up lectures... yes... we luv journ) and I feel that i am also back in blogging mode... it's good :)

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