Saturday, September 23, 2006

Very Punny

I was doing one of my cartoon site checks and found some very punny ones that I felt like sharing

this one is specially for Derralyn 'cause of how much she hates the movie 'Snakes on a Plane"

These Madam & Eve one's are deliciously amusing, although some of them are a little old in terms of context:
(if you can't read the strip cartoons so well then just click on them and they will come up bigger in a separate window)

i laughed outloud for a long time when i read this one

this one is so relevant to the journ course that I'm doing at the moment about Semiotics (part of which involves studying the meanings and connotations of words)

this one is just a classic :D

Thursday, September 07, 2006

City of Gold

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee everybody i'm off to this wonderful city to spend some time with my fam, do some work and CHILL! :D Hope u all have a good vac... see you in ten days.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bearded Envy

This weekend I had a number of conversations about the unusual topic of facial hair.

One of these conversations concluded with the unanimous feminine agreement that the yetti/lion look that is sometimes sported by men is basically just gross.

The other conversation, however, was focused on two guys trying to convince myself and the lovely Hannah that facial hair (of the bearded/moustache variety) is very very cool and we should aspire to grow some of our own. Despite valient efforts to do so, we gracefully gave up and accepted our un-bearded/beardable state... without too much convincing.

So beards are obviously God-given... he made the men-folk like that, but then he also inspired someone to invent that wonderful thing called a RAZOR.. hehe :)

Gareth (the pastor at my church) even made a joke about shaving in the morning service this week and said he'd had to shave with a knife that morning because airlines had lost their luggage... it was pretty funny and i was sufficiently amused for the morning :D

I tried to find some cool quotations about beards but alas there is an alarming scarcity of such delights and all the one's I found were ridiculously sexist... so instead I found this wonderful picture which jsut proves that when they set their minds to it, nobody can beat the Irish at doing things to the max!

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