Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Remains of the Day

I feel as though I'm in a bit of a twilight zone at the moment. In terms of work, I haven't yet handed in and sorted out all my course work, so I don't have that strangely free feeling that usually accompanies exams. And my exams still feel like distant blips on the horizon (although I'm quite sure there's some self-deception in this feeling.. eep). Also, I have to be in Grahamstown till all the res-lets have left, so i will be chilling a fair amount after the 19th of June.

So all in all things are a little surreal at the moment, but I am taking GREAT joy in the fact that I have finally located a worthy source of novels in the Rhodes library... i've been searching for years now! Reading has always been my favorite thing to do in exam season, and I've begun with what looks as though it's going to be an amazing book: The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro... there is an Anthony Hopkins movie that was made about it a while ago... I'm loving it so far. Talking about Anthony Hopkins... I'm keen to go and watch his new movie with Ryan Gosling (The guy from The Notebook - *wistful sigh*)... the movie's called Fracture, and my sis says it's brilliant. Despite my complete dislike for horror movies, after looking into it, I feel this is a thriller that will be good :D

In keeping with the randomness of this post...

Things I like today:
- God's trustworthiness
- Novels
- British people
- Today's indoor weather
- Waking up with purpose
- My new shower cleaner

Things I don't like today:
- Women's magazines
- My lack of living arrangements for next year

Off now to max the remainder of the day, and hopefully make it a productive one :D

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Lightning Rod

Lots of my life with God and people at the moment seems about me having to pour out my heart and be honest about my feelings, which can be quite tiring... so... i reckon that on my blog I yet reserve the right to indulge in a little frivolity and random babblings. It is for this reason that I have decided to dedicate this post to the enigma of weirdness, fashion questionability and lyrical dodginess that is...

(drum roll please)

Rod Stewart!!! (and the crowd goes wild :D)

Basically, the obsession that Rebecca, Derralyn and I have recently developed with this super-duper-uber coooool rock star of the seventies came about because of a hysterical birthday card that Dez got for her 21st with a picture of Rod on it wearing very very tight leopard skin pants and which said "Do ya think i'm sexy" This, in a moment of complete procrastination obviously led us to seek the song "Do ya think I'm sexy" on the net etc....

we found the song

(hopefully this picture also dissuades all mullet enthusiasts!)
we laughed

we laughed some more

we wept with laughter

then we began googling pictures of this indescribable charcter

then we laughed so hard we couldn't breathe

then we found the music video on YouTube and were amazed at the alarming sight of Rod wiggling his bum for the camera....

then we laughed some more :D

and then we added msn comments that went something like this:
Becs: "Rod Stewart will teach my husband about being sexy"
Me: "Rod Stewart: the sexiest man in leather and spandex since 1978"

Info about Rod includes the fact that he was briefly in a band entitled "Roddy Rod and the Dynamic Duo"... he voluntarily called himself Roddy Rod :s ...i have no words...

These are some of the most interesting lyrics from "Do ya think i'm sexy":

He say's I'm sorry but I'm out of milk and coffee
Never mind, sugar, we can watch the early movie

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, let me know
If you really need me just reach out and touch me
Come on, honey, tell me so

all i can say is... you Rod my world :D

Thursday, May 03, 2007

New Life

So I have to start blogging for two work blogs for journ and i thought that if i was going to be blogging for work-type stuff, then it was high time i started blogging here in this special place again :)

Plus, i'm very excited about all the cool new user-friendly editing options that Blogger has introduced... i think they're great! :)

As i have spent most of the time i wanted to use for blogging messing around with the new template formatting tools, i'll have to leave it at this short post to begin again. But i'll leave it with a Vimrod that I got a short while ago which made me laugh and think of my blog...

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